老虎的尾巴The Tiger’s Tail(2006)插图%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载
导演: Guilherme Marcondes
编剧: Andrezza Valentin / Guilherme Marcondes
类型: 动画 / 短片
官方网站: http://guilherme.tv/tyger/
制片国家/地区: 巴西
语言: 无对白
上映日期: 2006-06-06
片长: 4分31秒
又名: Tiger
IMDb: tt1068299


源自William Blake的诗The Tyger,是一部很前卫的实验动画。片中融合各种元素,木偶,板画效果和现代的数字技术。影片在制作过程中最大的挑战来自于图象,如何使最后的图象中各种元素看起来一致。少有的视觉效果,值得欣赏。

  As the lights of a carnival midway dim, a huge tiger emerges from the dark. As it walks through the city, illuminated plants flourish in its path. It approaches a large apartment building: a napping man's TV goes off, he wakes and walks to the window, sees the tiger and is transformed into a monkey. Similar transformations occur as the tiger walks through the city: cars become snails, football fans become insects, hipsters outside a club become toucans. The tiger reaches a hilltop outside the city. Behind him in the city, plants glow and the air is full of flying creatures.



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