30次30 Beats(2012)插图%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载
导演: Alexis Lloyd
编剧: Alexis Lloyd
主演: Vahina Giocante / Ingeborga Dapkunaite / Condola Rashad
类型: 喜剧 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 法国 / 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2010
片长: 88分钟
IMDb: tt1484521


In Manhattan, everybody is connected by less than six degrees of sexual separation. A first encounter sparks a series of intimate and comedic moments linking ten New Yorkers in a chain reaction of love and desire. Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's play "La Ronde" and set in present-day Manhattan, 30 BEATS explores a series of encounters between ten people connected by the laws of sexual attraction and spans across ten different neighborhoods of the city. -- From IMDB


30次30 Beats(2012)插图1%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载

30次30 Beats(2012)插图2%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载


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