豹人The Leopard Man(1943)插图%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载
导演: 雅克·特纳
编剧: 阿德尔·雷 / 爱德华·戴恩
主演: 丹尼斯·欧基夫 / 伊莎贝尔·朱尔 / 吉恩·布鲁克斯 / 詹姆斯·贝尔 / 玛格丽特·兰德里 / 玛尔戈
类型: 惊悚 / 恐怖
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1943-05-08
片长: 66分钟
IMDb: tt0036104


Is it man, beast or both behind a string of savage maulings and murders in The Leopard Man? An escaped leopard provides the catalyst for a foray into fear in which castanets clack wildly, a cemetery is a rendezvous for death and love, and a closed door heightens rather than hides the horror of a young girl's fate. It's the third and final teaming of producer Val Lewton and director Jacques (Cat People) Tourneur.

  This is usually considered one of the lesser Lewton horror flicks as well as a lesser entry in Tourneur's oeuvre. I think this is unfair, because aside from the rather pedestrian solution to the "mystery" and the lack of resources available to the filmmakers to more faithfully create the New Mexico setting and Hispanic characters, The Leopard Man is to this day a quite tense and frightening film.

  This rip includes a commentary by director William Friedken (The Exorcist) and while he is obviously fond of the film and the filmmakers, he has never been the most interesting commentator. Still, it's worth a listen for the little gems that pop up now and then.


豹人The Leopard Man(1943)插图1%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载

豹人The Leopard Man(1943)插图2%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载


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