爱朦胧L’amour flou(2018)插图%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载
导演: 罗曼娜·波琳热 / 菲利普·雷博
编剧: 罗曼娜·波琳热 / 菲利普·雷博
主演: 罗曼娜·波琳热 / Philippe Rebbot / Rose Rebbot-Bohringer / Raoul Rebbot-Bohringer / 布丽吉特·卡蒂永 / 奥拉利亚·佩蒂特 / François Picard
类型: 喜剧
官方网站: http://www.rezofilms.com/production/lamour-flou
制片国家/地区: 法国
语言: 法语
上映日期: 2018-10-10(法国)
片长: 97分钟
IMDb: tt8792898


Romane and Philippe separate. After 10 years together, two children and a dog, they do not love each other anymore. Finally - they are no longer in love. But they love each other, anyway. Many. To really part? In short - It's vague. Then, under the watchful eye of those around them, they give birth to a "separation": two separate apartments, communicating through - the room of their children. Can we separate together? Can one redo one's life without undoing it?



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