罗马隐藏的城市Rome’s Invisible City(2015)插图%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载
导演: Harvey Lilley
主演: Alexander Armstrong / Michael Scott
类型: 纪录片
官方网站: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05xxl4t
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2015-06-01(英国)
片长: 60分钟
IMDb: tt5304248


With the help of a team of experts and the latest in 3D scanning technology, Alexander Armstrong, along with Dr Michael Scott, explores the hidden underground treasures that made Rome the powerhouse of the ancient world. In his favourite city, he uncovers a lost subterranean world that helped build and run the world's first metropolis and its empire.

  From the secret underground world of the Colosseum to the aqueducts and sewers that supplied and cleansed it, and from the mysterious cults that sustained it spiritually to the final resting places of Rome's dead, Xander discovers the underground networks that serviced the remarkable world above.



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