真爱考验For Keeps?(1988)插图%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载
导演: 约翰·G·艾维尔森
编剧: 蒂姆·卡祖林斯基 / Denise DeClue
主演: 莫利·林沃德 / 兰道尔·巴蒂尼科夫 / 肯尼思·马尔斯 / 米丽亚姆·福林 / 康查塔·费雷尔 / Sharon Brown / John Zarchen / 保利·肖尔 / Michelle Downey / 帕特里夏·巴里 / 珍妮特·麦克拉克伦 / Jaclyn Bernstein / Matthew Licht / 蕾妮·艾斯特维兹 / Darcy DeMoss
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语 / 法语
上映日期: 1988-01-15(美国)
片长: 90 分钟 / USA: 98 分钟(HBO Print)
IMDb: tt0095169


Darcy, editor at her highschool paper, and her long-term boyfriend Stan are in their last months of school and already have found places in good colleges. Recently they started to sleep with each other and, surprise, surprise, Darcy gets pregnant. Neither Darcy's mother, who was left by her husband and had to bring up Darcy alone, nor Stan's catholic parents are very supportive and urge them to have an abortion or give up for adoption respectively. However Darcy's and Stan's love is so intense, they could imagine to have a baby, but this would mean to give up their college carriers.


真爱考验For Keeps?(1988)插图1%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载

真爱考验For Keeps?(1988)插图2%4K电影下载_3D影视资源_杜比视界迅雷下载


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